Manufactured Homes FAQs

Affixation is the process of recording (with the Department of Revenue) that a manufactured home has been converted to real property.

If you want to record your manufactured home as affixed, you must submit the following items to any Missouri license office:

NOTE: The Form 5312 must be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds Office within 60 days of filing with the Department of Revenue.

NOTE: Title penalties are not applicable in the affixation process.

Once a manufactured home has been recorded as affixed with the Department of Revenue, a title cannot be issued until the manufactured home is severed from the real property and the severance is recorded with the Department of Revenue.

How do I apply for title on a manufactured home which was previously recorded as affixed but has now been removed (severed) from a permanent foundation?

Severance is the process of obtaining a title on a manufactured home which had been previously recorded as affixed in the Department’s titling system and is being removed (severed) from a permanent foundation.

To obtain a title on a manufactured home through the severance process, you must submit the following items at any Missouri license office:

NOTE: The Form 5313 must be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds Office within 60 days of filing with the Department of Revenue.

NOTE: Title penalties are not applicable in the severance process.

What state and local tax (if any) will I pay when I apply to have my manufactured home titled or recorded as affixed?

Review the following list to determine what state and local tax is due: