Sue Chastain is a former Lifewire writer and a graphics software authority with web design and print publishing credentials. She's also skilled in WordPress administration.
Updated on May 20, 2022This article explains how to put text on a path or in a shape in Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 and later.
To put text on a path in Photoshop:
Draw the path for the text. When the Properties palette opens after you release the mouse button, set the Fill color to None and the Stroke Color to Black.
You can enter text above or below the path. Move the cursor to where you want the text to appear and click when it changes to an I-beam with a dotted circle around it.
The text will be cut off if you move it outside of the visible area. To fix this, click on the small circle and drag it farther along the path.
You can also move the whole path with type attached using either tool. Use the Direct Selection tool to change the shape of the path.
You can also type on a path in Adobe Illustrator, but the steps are a little different.
All of the type tools work with type on a path or type in a shape. Your text is fully editable, and though it may appear jagged on screen, it will print just fine.
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